Media Queries

We keep media queries fairly simple in Foundation and let the percentage-based grid do the heavy lifting across various screen sizes.


Media queries are built using ems in Foundation.


// Small screens @media only screen { } /* Define mobile styles */ @media only screen and (max-width: 40em) { } /* max-width 640px, mobile-only styles, use when QAing mobile issues */ // Medium screens @media only screen and (min-width: 40.063em) { } /* min-width 641px, medium screens */ @media only screen and (min-width: 40.063em) and (max-width: 64em) { } /* min-width 641px and max-width 1024px, use when QAing tablet-only issues */ // Large screens @media only screen and (min-width: 64.063em) { } /* min-width 1025px, large screens */ @media only screen and (min-width: 64.063em) and (max-width: 90em) { } /* min-width 1024px and max-width 1440px, use when QAing large screen-only issues */ // XLarge screens @media only screen and (min-width: 90.063em) { } /* min-width 1441px, xlarge screens */ @media only screen and (min-width: 90.063em) and (max-width: 120em) { } /* min-width 1441px and max-width 1920px, use when QAing xlarge screen-only issues */ // XXLarge screens @media only screen and (min-width: 120.063em) { } /* min-width 1921px, xlarge screens */

Customize With Sass

Media queries can be easily customized by changing the variable values in _settings.scss.


// Here we define the lower and upper bounds for each media size $small-range: (0em, 40em); /* 0, 640px */ $medium-range: (40.063em, 64em); /* 641px, 1024px */ $large-range: (64.063em, 90em); /* 1025px, 1440px */ $xlarge-range: (90.063em, 120em); /* 1441px, 1920px */ $xxlarge-range: (120.063em); /* 1921px */ // Media Queries $screen: "only screen" !default; $landscape: "#{$screen} and (orientation: landscape)" !default; $portrait: "#{$screen} and (orientation: portrait)" !default; $small-up: $screen !default; $small-only: "#{$screen} and (max-width: #{upper-bound($small-range)})" !default; $medium-up: "#{$screen} and (min-width:#{lower-bound($medium-range)})" !default; $medium-only: "#{$screen} and (min-width:#{lower-bound($medium-range)}) and (max-width:#{upper-bound($medium-range)})" !default; $large-up: "#{$screen} and (min-width:#{lower-bound($large-range)})" !default; $large-only: "#{$screen} and (min-width:#{lower-bound($large-range)}) and (max-width:#{upper-bound($large-range)})" !default; $xlarge-up: "#{$screen} and (min-width:#{lower-bound($xlarge-range)})" !default; $xlarge-only: "#{$screen} and (min-width:#{lower-bound($xlarge-range)}) and (max-width:#{upper-bound($xlarge-range)})" !default; $xxlarge-up: "#{$screen} and (min-width:#{lower-bound($xxlarge-range)})" !default; $xxlarge-only: "#{$screen} and (min-width:#{lower-bound($xxlarge-range)}) and (max-width:#{upper-bound($xxlarge-range)})" !default;

Style With Sass

Use these media queries with the variables specified above.


@media #{$small-up} { } @media #{$small-only} { } @media #{$medium-up} { } @media #{$medium-only} { } @media #{$large-up} { } @media #{$large-only} { } @media #{$xlarge-up} { } @media #{$xlarge-only} { } @media #{$xxlarge-up} { } @media #{$xxlarge-only} { }
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