
Tooltips are a quick way to provide extended information on a term or action on a page.

The tooltips can be positioned on the "tip-bottom", which is the default position, "tip-top" (hehe), "tip-left", or "tip-right" of the target element by adding the appropriate class to them. You can even add your own custom class to style each tip differently. On a small device, the tooltips are full-width and bottom aligned.


You can create a tooltip using minimal markup.


<span data-tooltip class="has-tip" title="Tooltips are awesome, you should totally use them!">extended information</span>

Rendered HTML

Hover on desktop or touch me on mobile!


Additional classes can be added to your tooltips to change its appearance.


<span data-tooltip data-options="disable_for_touch:true" class="has-tip [tip-top tip-bottom tip-left tip-right]" title="Tooltips are awesome, you should totally use them!">extended information</span>

Rendered HTML

Hover on desktop and touch me on mobile!


Disable for touch events

If you don't want tooltips to interfere with a touch event, you can disable them for those devices, like so:


<span data-tooltip data-options="disable_for_touch:true" class="has-tip" title="Tooltips are awesome, you should totally use them!">extended information</span>

Customize With Sass

Tooltips can be easily customized using our provided Sass variables.


$include-html-tooltip-classes: $include-html-classes; $has-tip-border-bottom: dotted 1px #ccc; $has-tip-font-weight: bold; $has-tip-font-color: #333; $has-tip-border-bottom-hover: dotted 1px scale-color($primary-color, $lightness: -55%); $has-tip-font-color-hover: $primary-color; $has-tip-cursor-type: help; $tooltip-padding: rem-calc(8); $tooltip-bg: #000; $tooltip-font-size: rem-calc(15); $tooltip-font-weight: bold; $tooltip-font-color: #fff; $tooltip-line-height: 1.3; $tooltip-close-font-size: rem-calc(10); $tooltip-close-font-weight: normal; $tooltip-close-font-color: #888; $tooltip-font-size-sml: rem-calc(14); $tooltip-radius: $global-radius; $tooltip-pip-size: 5px;

Configure With JavaScript

It's easy to configure tooltips using our JavaScript. You can use data-attributes or plain old JavaScript. Make sure jquery.js, foundation.js, and foundation.tooltip.js have been included on your page before continuing. For example, add the following before the closing <body> tag:


<script src="js/jquery.js"></script> <script src="js/foundation.js"></script> <script src="js/foundation.tooltip.js"></script>


Using data-attributes is the preferred method of making changes to our JavaScript.


<span data-tooltip class="has-tip" title="Tooltips are awesome, you should totally use them!">...</span>


You can adjust lots of settings. For example:


$(document).foundation({ tooltips: { selector : '.has-tip', additional_inheritable_classes : [], tooltip_class : '.tooltip', touch_close_text: 'tap to close', disable_for_touch: false, tip_template : function (selector, content) { return '<span data-selector="' + selector + '" class="' + Foundation.libs.tooltips.settings.tooltipClass.substring(1) + '">' + content + '<span class="nub"></span></span>'; } } });

Sass Errors?

If the default "foundation" import was commented out, then make sure you import this file:


@import "foundation/components/tooltips";
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