This is how I test on mobile devices (Android phones) when developing.

It’s based on the official guide for remote debugging on Android devices with some extra steps I add to work on any web application project:

  1. Enable developer mode (click the Build Number 7 times!)
  2. Use ngrok to expose your local application
  3. Note that you’ll need to connect your agent to your ngrok authentication account
  4. Navigate to the URL from the device
  5. Plug your phone into your computer
  6. Open chrome://inspect#devices in a Chrome tab to get a dev inspector synced to your phone

Now you can inspect, modify elements, debug, throttle, etc! Happy coding!


On my Windows machine running Ubuntu in WSL, I had to install ngrok with sudo and get around an “invalid host header” error, so my full command to launch a project is:

sudo ngrok http --host-header=rewrite 8080