Theme Workshop
WordCamp San Diego 2015

Welcome to the

WordCamp San Diego 2015

Theme Development Workshop

Build a website worth visiting

This site is for the theme development workshop being held Sunday, March 29, 2015 at the San Diego Hall of Champions (2131 Pan American Plaza, San Diego, CA 92101).

We invite attendees to use this site as a guide for the workshop, and a resource to attain all of the assets required for the event.


For directions, campus maps, and parking info, we suggest reviewing the logistics page of the WCSD site.

We will be upstairs in the Walter J Zable Banquet Room (the pink room)

For our event, make sure you come prepared with the following assets:

  • A computer
  • A text editor or IDE, such as Sublime Text
  • Zip package with the code samples and dataset (download link coming soon)
  • A local server with a WordPress instance installed under the domain
    • We suggest using DesktopServer, and will be covering how to set it up in our first session
    • Make sure you have DesktopServer installed before the event. We don't know if the internet connection will support everyone downloading the program at the same time
    • The ServerPress team will be available during Saturday to help install DesktopServer on your computer
  • A rudimentary understanding of CSS, HTML, and PHP will be helpful for you in this workshop